Thanks, Nancy. But it wasn't that I needed help with PH (I haven't
started it, yet - I'm playing another game and waiting with great
anticipation before I start it...).
There's 2 things I'm confused about: the lack of comments on Nintendo
shutting down it's forum and no comments/questions in this newsgroup
about the game.
It's like all the "Zelda-ites" were kidnapped by aliens or something...
Anyway, maybe gamefaqs is where they're at now... they gots to be
Post by NancyYou can go to and find a message board there. You will find
answers to questions you have there. I'm sorry to hear that Nintendo has
shut down it's forum. I have the game and i'm on the final boss now. This
has been a great game.
Now that cheapo Nintendo has shut down its forum at, where does
everyone, like, hang out?
Zelda fans somewhere must be discussing the new Phantom Hourglass, but
where da hell is everyone?