Miyamoto talks a bit about the next main ZELDA for Wii -- He hopes to reveal it NEXT YEAR
(too old to reply)
2009-06-03 03:12:17 UTC


E3 2009: Miyamoto Talks Next Zelda
Series creator drops the details during roundtable discussion.
by Lucas M. Thomas

June 2, 2009 - If you were wondering why there was no new Zelda news
at Nintendo's E3 press conference this morning, it's because Mr.
Miyamoto wanted to save a little something for his own private
roundtable. At the closed door, no-photographs-allowed discussion with
a select group of journalists this afternoon, the man who created Link
dropped details and showed off artwork of the Hero in Green's next

The next console Zelda adventure will feature a Link who is more
mature than ever before, and a swordplay system that is far more
advanced than any ever seen before in the series. The game may ship as
a MotionPlus-only design, as well, which should give you an idea of
the swordfighting scheme Shigeru has in the works.

"Think of Zelda while you're trying some of the archery and sword play
in Wii Sports Resort," Miyamoto said.

If the next Zelda were to employ MotionPlus in that way (and it
totally will), it would be a significant shift for the property -- and
one that may well be the change the franchise needs.

"There are people who think of Zelda more as an RPG with simpler
controls, so trying to figure out how to make everybody happy is
something that's going to concern me," says Miyamoto.
2009-06-03 17:04:28 UTC
E3 2009: Miyamoto Talks Next Zelda
Series creator drops the details during roundtable discussion.
by Lucas M. Thomas
The full text from the Zelda bits liveblog at http://wii.ign.com/articles/989/989996p1.html

6:54 p.m.: He's moving on. To Zelda: Spirit Tracks for DS.

6:54 p.m.: First, he's looking at a standard dungeon. One of the
phantoms is on the stage. Link is going to use the character to help
him solve puzzles.

6:55 p.m.: The phantom runs through a fire that Link cannot access and
slides across a trigger point to turn off the flames.

6:57 p.m.: He reiterated that Spirit Tracks has a lot of train travel
in it.

7:03 p.m.: Shows new illustration for the next Zelda for Wii. Nothing
to show yet, but it shows an adult link. More grown up than ever

7:04 p.m.: "We'd like to make it compatible with Wii MotionPlus. It's
quite possible it will be playable only with Wii MotionPlus."

7:05 p.m.: "Think of Zelda while you're trying some of the archery and
sword play in Wii Sports Resort," Miyamoto say.

7:05 p.m.: "There are people who think of Zelda more as an RPG with
simpler controls, so trying to figure out how to make everybody happy
is something that's going to concern me," says Miyamoto.

I guess with the big Metroid reveal (want want want...), and four new
Mario titles, a big Zelda announcement was too much to hope for.

Morgan /|\
2009-06-03 18:39:32 UTC
Post by Morgan
The full text from the Zelda bits liveblog at
Gah, editing errors :-). That should have read, "The full text of the
Zelda bits from the liveblog at..."

Too much blood in my caffeine stream, I guess ;-).

Morgan /|\
2009-06-03 18:39:32 UTC
Post by Morgan
The full text from the Zelda bits liveblog at
Gah, editing errors :-). That should have read, "The full text of the
Zelda bits from the liveblog at..."

Too much blood in my caffeine stream, I guess ;-).

Morgan /|\

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